Mock and debugging
Data mock & Joint debugging
Development Environment
If the front-end application and the back-end interface server are not running on the same host, you need to proxy the interface request to the interface server in the development environment.
If it is the same host, you can directly request the specific interface address.
During development, the interface address is configured in the .env.development file in the project root directory
# vite local cross-domain proxy
# Interface address
- If a field in the .env file is a string, there is no need to add quotation marks. All are strings by default
- VITE_PROXY cannot wrap
Cross-domain processing
If your interface under src/api/
is the following code and the .env.development file is configured as follows, then you will see http://localhost:3100/basic-api/login
in the console.
Since /basic-api
matches the set VITE_PROXY
, the above is actually requesting http://localhost:3000/login, which also solves the cross-domain problem. (3100 is the project port number, http://localhost:3000 is the target address of PROXY proxy)
// .env.development
// VITE_PROXY=[["/basic-api","http://localhost:3000"]]
// VITE_GLOB_API_URL=/basic-api
enum Api {
Login = "/login",
* @description: User login
export function loginApi(params: LoginParams) {
return http.request<LoginResultModel>({
url: Api.Login,
method: "POST",
Configuration without cross-domain
If there is no cross-domain problem, you can directly ignore VITE_PROXY configuration and directly set the interface address to VITE_GLOB_API_URL
# For example, if the interface address is http://localhost:3000 then
If there is a cross-domain problem, set VITE_GLOB_API_URL to a value consistent with one of the first items in an array in VITE_PROXY.
The following interface address is set to /basic-api
. When a request is sent out, it will be proxied by Vite's proxy and matched to our set VITE_PROXY rule. /basic-api
will be converted to http://localhost:3000
for request
# For example, if the interface address is http://localhost:3000 then
# Interface address
Cross-domain Principle Analysis
In the vite.config.ts
configuration file, the server's proxy function is provided to proxy API requests.
server: {
proxy: {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
changeOrigin: true,
ws: true,
rewrite: (path) => path.replace(new RegExp(`^/basic-api`), ''),
From the Network in the browser console, the request is http://localhost:3000/basic-api/xxx
, because the proxy configuration does not change the local request url.
Production Environment
The production environment interface address is configured in the .env.production file in the project root directory.
The production environment interface address value needs to modify VITE_GLOB_API_URL. If there is a cross-domain problem, you can use nginx or backend to enable cors for processing
How to modify the address after packaging?
Variables starting with VITE_GLOB_* will be injected into the _app.config.js file when packaged.
After modifying the corresponding interface address in dist/_app.config.js and refreshing the page, you do not need to package multiple times according to different environments. One package can be used for deployment of multiple different interface environments.
Interface Request
In vue-vben-admin:
- Page interaction operation;
- Call a uniformly managed api request function;
- Use the encapsulated axios.ts to send requests;
- Get data returned by the server
- Update data;
The interface is uniformly managed and stored in src/api/
Take the login interface as an example:
Create a module file in src/api/, where parameters and return values are best defined for easy verification. Although it is troublesome, it is very convenient to maintain fields later.
Type definition files can be extracted and managed uniformly, please refer to the project for details
import { defHttp } from "/@/utils/http/axios";
import { LoginParams, LoginResultModel } from "./model/userModel";
enum Api {
Login = "/login",
export function loginApi(params: LoginParams) {
return defHttp.request<LoginResultModel>({
url: Api.Login,
method: "POST",
#Here is the English translation of your text in markdown:
axios Configuration
The axios request encapsulation is stored in the src/utils/http/axios folder
Except for the content of the index.ts
file that needs to be modified according to the project, other files do not need to be modified
├── Axios.ts // axios instance
├── axiosCancel.ts // axiosCancel instance, cancel duplicate requests
├── axiosTransform.ts // data conversion class
├── checkStatus.ts // return status value check
├── index.ts // unified processing of interface returns
index.ts Configuration Description
const axios = new VAxios({
// Authentication scheme, such as: Bearer
authenticationScheme: "",
// Interface timeout time in milliseconds
timeout: 10 * 1000,
// The interface may have a common address part, which can be uniformly extracted
prefixUrl: prefix,
headers: { "Content-Type": ContentTypeEnum.JSON },
// Data processing method, see below for explanation
// Configuration items, the following options can be overridden in independent interface requests
requestOptions: {
// Add prefix to url by default
joinPrefix: true,
// Whether to return the native response header For example: use this property when you need to get the response header
isReturnNativeResponse: false,
// Need to process the returned data
isTransformRequestResult: true,
// Add parameters to url when post request
joinParamsToUrl: false,
// Format submission parameter time
formatDate: true,
// Message prompt type
errorMessageMode: "message",
// Interface address
apiUrl: globSetting.apiUrl,
// Whether to join timestamp
joinTime: true,
// Ignore duplicate requests
ignoreCancelToken: true,
transform data processing instructions
Type definition, see axiosTransform.ts file
export abstract class AxiosTransform {
* @description: Process configuration before request
beforeRequestHook?: (config: AxiosRequestConfig, options: RequestOptions) => AxiosRequestConfig;
* @description: The request was successfully processed
transformRequestData?: (res: AxiosResponse<Result>, options: RequestOptions) => any;
* @description: Request failure handling
requestCatch?: (e: Error) => Promise<any>;
* @description: The interceptor before the request
requestInterceptors?: (config: AxiosRequestConfig) => AxiosRequestConfig;
* @description: The interceptor after the request
responseInterceptors?: (res: AxiosResponse<any>) => AxiosResponse<any>;
* @description: Interceptor error handling before request
requestInterceptorsCatch?: (error: Error) => void;
* @description: Interceptor error handling after the request
responseInterceptorsCatch?: (error: Error) => void;
The default transform processing logic of the project can be processed according to the respective project. Generally, the part that needs to be changed is the following code, see the code comment
* @description: Data processing, easy to distinguish multiple processing methods
const transform: AxiosTransform = {
* @description: Process request data. If the data is not in the expected format, an error can be thrown directly
transformRequestHook: (res: AxiosResponse<Result>, options: RequestOptions) => {
const { t } = useI18n();
const { isTransformResponse, isReturnNativeResponse } = options;
// Whether to return the original response header For example: use this property when you need to get the response header
if (isReturnNativeResponse) {
return res;
// do not do any processing, return directly
// It is used when the page code may need to directly obtain code, data, and message information
if (!isTransformResponse) {
// return on error
const { data } = res;
if (!data) {
// return '[HTTP] Request has no return value';
throw new Error(t('sys.api.apiRequestFailed'));
// Here code, result, and message are unified fields in the background, which need to be modified in types.ts to the project's own interface return format
const { code, result, message } = data;
// This logic can be modified according to the project
const hasSuccess = data && Reflect.has(data, 'code') && code === ResultEnum.SUCCESS;
if (hasSuccess) {
return result;
// Here, perform different operations on different codes according to the actual situation of your own project
// If you don't want to interrupt the current request, please return the data, otherwise just throw an exception directly
let timeoutMsg = '';
switch (code) {
case ResultEnum. TIMEOUT:
timeoutMsg = t('sys.api.timeoutMessage');
if (message) {
timeoutMsg = message;
// When errorMessageMode='modal', a modal error popup will be displayed instead of a message prompt, which is used for some more important errors
// errorMessageMode='none' is generally used to explicitly express that you do not want to automatically pop up an error message when calling
if (options. errorMessageMode === 'modal') {
createErrorModal({ title: t('sys.api.errorTip'), content: timeoutMsg });
} else if (options. errorMessageMode === 'message') {
createMessage. error(timeoutMsg);
throw new Error(timeoutMsg || t('sys.api.apiRequestFailed'));
// process config before request
beforeRequestHook: (config, options) => {
const { apiUrl, joinPrefix, joinParamsToUrl, formatDate, joinTime = true } = options;
if (joinPrefix) {
config.url = `${urlPrefix}${config.url}`;
if (apiUrl && isString(apiUrl)) {
config.url = `${apiUrl}${config.url}`;
const params = config. params || {};
if (config.method?.toUpperCase() === RequestEnum.GET) {
if (!isString(params)) {
// Add a timestamp parameter to the get request to avoid getting data from the cache.
config.params = Object.assign(params || {}, joinTimestamp(joinTime, false));
} else {
// compatible with restful style
config.url = config.url + params + `${joinTimestamp(joinTime, true)}`;
config.params = undefined;
} else {
if (!isString(params)) {
formatDate && formatRequestDate(params); = params;
config.params = undefined;
if (joinParamsToUrl) {
config.url = setObjToUrlParams(config.url as string,;
} else {
// compatible with restful style
config.url = config.url + params;
config.params = undefined;
return config;
* @description: request interceptor processing
requestInterceptors: (config, options) => {
// process config before request
const token = getToken();
if (token) {
// jwt token
config.headers.Authorization = options.authenticationScheme
? `${options.authenticationScheme} ${token}`
: token;
return config;
* @description: 响应拦截器处理
responseInterceptors: (res: AxiosResponse<any>) => {
return res;
* @description: 响应错误处理
responseInterceptorsCatch: (error: any) => {
const { t } = useI18n();
const errorLogStore = useErrorLogStoreWithOut();
const { response, code, message, config } = error || {};
const errorMessageMode = config?.requestOptions?.errorMessageMode || 'none';
const msg: string = response?.data?.error?.message ?? '';
const err: string = error?.toString?.() ?? '';
let errMessage = '';
try {
if (code === 'ECONNABORTED' && message.indexOf('timeout') !== -1) {
errMessage = t('sys.api.apiTimeoutMessage');
if (err?.includes('Network Error')) {
errMessage = t('sys.api.networkExceptionMsg');
if (errMessage) {
if (errorMessageMode === 'modal') {
createErrorModal({ title: t('sys.api.errorTip'), content: errMessage });
} else if (errorMessageMode === 'message') {
return Promise.reject(error);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
checkStatus(error?.response?.status, msg, errorMessageMode);
return Promise.reject(error);
Change Parameter Format
The project interface defaults to the Json parameter format, that is, headers: { 'Content-Type': ContentTypeEnum.JSON }
If you need to change it to the form-data
format, change the 'Content-Type
of headers to ContentTypeEnum.FORM_URLENCODED
Multiple Interface Addresses
When multiple interface addresses are needed in the project, multiple axios instances can be exported in src/utils/http/axios/index.ts
// Currently only one default instance is exported, and the interface address corresponds to the VITE_GLOB_API_URL interface address in the environment variable
export const defHttp = createAxios();
// If you need other interface addresses, you can add them later
// other api url
export const otherHttp = createAxios({
requestOptions: {
apiUrl: "xxx",
Delete Timestamp Parameters Carried by Request URL
If you don't need the timestamp parameter ?_t=xxx
on the url by default
const axios = new VAxios({
requestOptions: {
// Whether to join timestamp
joinTime: false,
Mock Service
Mock data is an indispensable part of front-end development and is a key link in separating front-end and back-end development. By simulating request data and even logic through interfaces agreed with the server in advance, front-end development can be independent and not blocked by the development process of the server.
This project uses vite-plugin-mock to handle mock data. The mock service in the project is divided into local and online.
Local Mock
Local mock uses Node.js middleware to intercept parameters (the reason for not using mock.js is that local development cannot see request parameters and response results).
How to add a mock interface
If you want to add mock data, just find the mock file in the root directory, add the corresponding interface, intercept it and simulate data.
Create a new file in the mock folder
After adding a file, it will be automatically updated without manual restart. You can view log information in the code console. The mock folder will be automatically registered, excluding folders and files starting with _
import { MockMethod } from "vite-plugin-mock";
import { resultPageSuccess } from "../_util";
const demoList = (() => {
const result: any[] = [];
for (let index = 0; index < 60; index++) {
id: `${index}`,
beginTime: "@datetime",
endTime: "@datetime",
address: "@city()",
name: "@cname()",
"no|100000-10000000": 100000,
"status|1": ["正常", "启用", "停用"],
return result;
export default [
url: "/api/table/getDemoList",
timeout: 1000,
method: "get",
response: ({ query }) => {
const { page = 1, pageSize = 20 } = query;
return resultPageSuccess(page, pageSize, demoList);
] as MockMethod[];
Here is the English translation of your text in markdown:
The value of mock can directly use the syntax of mockjs.
Interface Format
url: string; // mock interface address
method?: MethodType; // Request method
timeout?: number; // Delay time
statusCode: number; // Response status code
response: ((opt: { // Response result
body: any;
query: any;
}) => any) | object;
Parameter Acquisition
GET interface: ({ query }) => { }
POST interface: ({ body }) => { }
util Description
Can be viewed in code
util is only used as a service to process result data. It can be unused. If you need to use it, you can encapsulate it yourself. You need to change the corresponding fields to the return structure of the interface.
Under src/api
, if the interface matches mock, it will preferentially use mock for response.
import { defHttp } from "/@/utils/http/axios";
import { LoginParams, LoginResultModel } from "./model/userModel";
enum Api {
Login = "/login",
* @description: user login api
export function loginApi(params: LoginParams) {
return defHttp.request<LoginResultModel>(
url: Api.Login,
method: "POST",
errorMessageMode: "modal",
// 会匹配到上方的
export default [
url: "/api/login",
timeout: 1000,
method: "POST",
response: ({ body }) => {
return resultPageSuccess({});
] as MockMethod[];
With the interface, how to remove the mock
When the background interface has been developed, you only need to remove the corresponding mock function.
Take the above interface as an example, if the background interface login has been developed, you only need to delete/comment out the code below
export default [
url: "/api/login",
timeout: 1000,
method: "POST",
response: ({ body }) => {
return resultPageSuccess({});
] as MockMethod[];
Online mocking
Since this project is a demonstration project, mock data is also used online, so the mock is also integrated after packaging. Usually the project line is generally a formal interface.
The online mock of the project uses mockjs for mock data simulation.
How to enable mock online
Turning on mock online is only applicable to some simple example websites and preview websites. **Must not be opened in a formal production environment! ! ! **
- Modify the value of
in the .env.production file to true
- Introduce the required mock file in the mock/_createProductionServer.ts file
import { createProdMockServer } from "vite-plugin-mock/es/createProdMockServer";
const modules = import.meta.globEager("./**/*.ts");
const mockModules: any[] = [];
Object.keys(modules).forEach((key) => {
if (key.includes("/_")) {
export function setupProdMockServer() {
- 在 build/vite/plugin/mock.ts 里面引入
import { viteMockServe } from "vite-plugin-mock";
export function configMockPlugin(isBuild: boolean) {
return viteMockServe({
injectCode: `
import { setupProdMockServer } from '../mock/_createProductionServer';
Why inject code through plugins instead of inserting directly in main.ts
Inject the code through injectCode
in the plug-in, which is convenient to control whether mockjs is packaged into the final code. If it is judged in main.ts, if the mock function is turned off, mockjs will also be packaged into the build file, which will increase the packaging volume.
At this point, the online mock configuration is complete. There is not much difference between online and local, but the big difference is that the interface request log cannot be seen in the console online.